New Service
April 2023

SEND Awareness & Understanding Training

... with a difference!

SEND Awareness & Understanding Training for TAs / LSAs / NQTs and anyone else who is interested!

With a difference, as it is a more rounded approach, as I am a SEND parent and a former TA who has worked in mainstream schools with SEND experience, so it is very much about working together, promoting independence, being person-centred, Mental Health AND protecting the wellbeing of 1-2-1 staff to keep the good ones in their role!

Primarily aimed at primary schools (but could be tweaked)
For Inset days, twilight sessions and staff meeting training opportunities.

If you have a training event coming up - please get in touch, get booked in early!

What trainees have said

Star Rating from Review Forms

Out of 5 Stars;


How satisfied were you with the training?


How would you rate the content of the training?


How well did the training meet your needs?

What makes me qualified to talk about this?

Qualifications and learning.

I have attended a number of SEND related training courses, and am always seeking to improve and expand my knowledge.

I am a parent to two SEND young adults.

I live with SEND every day, but I also know my two children are very different, despite the same diagnosis!


One managed throughout mainstream school and college (with support) and aspires to go to University. They are also a social butterfly, but struggles to maintain relationships.

The other was home-educated by me for two years because school was failing them, returned to mainstream, transitioned to secondary, then it became very apparent they needed a special school.  They prefer to stay at home and their own company.


I have had to fight for the educational support my children needed and balance that against their emotional wellbeing and mental health needs.


I have been through the EHCP and DLA / PIP claims process.

I am a former TA and understand how hard the TA role is.

I worked in mainstream Primary / Junior schools in Coventry & Warwickshire as a TA including during the Covid pandemic.


I worked as a class TA, intervention specialist and latterly as EHCP support and 1-2-1 support.

The Training

Bookings available NOW!


This training is designed for Primary schools, but could be adjusted for other interested parties.


Please arrange a no-obligation call to discuss your requirements.


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